Monday, January 24, 2011

Pastor's Circle - Chris Lohrstorfer on the "Fad of Evangelism"

On the "fad" of evangelism:
Part of the evangelistic fad is that we try to systematize it and make it really easy.

I'm not sure we know what it means to be saved. Part of the fad was, here's this fact of need to accept that. I'm not sure if that's what it is.

I think the evangelistic fad missed discipleship. I think we got the idea that the Great Commission is casting forth seed with no end result in mind.

What does it mean to become a disciple:
The life of Jesus, the ministry of Jesus, the message of Jesus - all of that has to become part of who you are.

Who is good at evangelism:
The 10% (of people who have the gift of evangelism) are salesman. Beyond that, a nurturer is what you need - someone who can nurture in the way of Grace.

The postmodern world in America isn't all that relational, but they want relationships....they're not great at it, but they want it. That's what the church finally is- it's a relational body.

Evangelism must be tied to the church. It's not just "Come to Jesus" it's "Come to the body of Jesus."

If someone wants to say yes to Jesus, but not to the Church:
Evangelism has to turn to the Church.

They cannot be a disciple of Jesus outside the church.

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