Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Doctrine (activated) is so important

Rodney Stark (who has been featured on The Matt Friedeman Show) describes why early Christianity grew so phenomenally:
“Let me state my thesis: Central doctrines of Christianity prompted and sustained attractive, liberating, and effective social relations and organizations. I believe that it was the religion’s particular doctrines that permitted Christianity to be among the most sweeping and successful revitalization movements in history. And it was the way these doctrines took on actual flesh, the way they directed organizational actions and individual behavior, that led to the rise of Christianity.” (Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity)
This is good. Good theology is not only orthodox in nature, but lived. And that living carries forth to loving one another and establishing organizations and movements that do the same. Get those words - "...doctrines took on actual flesh...led to the rise of Christianity." Stark is right. Let us learn more, and deeply. And let us activate.

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