Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What is the least I can believe in and still be a Christian?

Just saw an article titled "Whats the least you can believe and still be a Christian?" Hmm. Interesting question. And for whatever it is worth, I won't try to answer it in full.

But let me say this.

For all those seriously asking that question concerning themselves, or the related question of 'What is the least I can do and still go to heaven?' I think I can say with confidence - you are not a follower of Jesus.

Followers of Jesus have recognized Christ's penchant for the word "all." As in "all of your heart, all of your soul, all you mind, all your strength." There are not minimalist Christians headed to heaven. People of the Jesus faith are those who have bought in, sold out, embraced the "all" of the faith and have bet their entire lives on God.

They say there are no stupid questions. Can we say, at least, that there are inappropriate questions?

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