Let's go over some of the "lies" from your book. Lie #1: God made men superior to women. Is this a widespread problem?
Absolutely. I've spent much of my life traveling, and I've seen a lot of abuse of women. I've had to speak to men about where this came from, and it really stems from this attitude that you mentioned.
This is part sin-nature. Every guy struggles with this problem. We live in a sinful world, and this is what it teaches us.I haven't been to a country yet where this isn't a problem.
Guys think they can kick women around, or abuse them, or mistreat them. It's a very basic problem with sin.
Even in US today, we have a lot of domestic abuse going on in Christian homes, because the church doesn't address this.
We have to preach the whole gospel. Even in marriage conferences, people always want to speak about women submitting to their husbands. But you have to read that whole passage. The Bible says to love your wives as Christ loves the Church, as you love your own body, as you love yourself.
Lie # 3: A real man is defined by material success.
We've got to help our men understand that your value is not about how you've climbed the ladder, or how many toys you've collected over the course of your life.Lie #7: Real men don't need close male friendships.
We've really misplaced our values. We've got to tell guys that their integrity, character and purity are what's important.
Those are the kind of things that are going to last when this life is over.
I think this is one of the reasons why so many guys today are really really hurting. Because we thought that we were supposed to go through life alone.
I am convinced that we cannot do this alone.
I learned a while back that I have to have strong male friendships to be able to walk through life and have the support that I need to do what God wants me to do.
A lot of guys out there are going through strong addictions and problems, and they really don't have anybody to unload their baggage to.
Guys need that. I don't think it's that difficult, it just requires humility.
What is the "journey from wimp to warrior"?
I use some examples from the Bible in this chapter of my book. One of those is Gideon.
It encourages me to see that the people God picks are not the ones we would always choose to be on the star team.
Gideon is someone that I would have never ever thought could be a warrior and lead an army.
God has a plan that he wants to take everyone from that internal "wimp" place, and show you who you are in Christ,
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