Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"If we become focused on the physical, we're no longer the salt and light of this world."

 Dr. Rick Scarborough, Founder and President of Vision America, joined the Pastor's Circle today to discuss Christianity in politics.

Did you get in on any of Rick Perry's Response?
I was there for about three hours of it. It was wonderful.

It's easy to get excited about a particular candidate, simply because of their testimony. Then later you may find out they aren't who they said they were. Do you have any words of caution?
I'd say what Ronald Reagan said. You have to "trust, but always verify".

Over time, you have to observe a man's life and see if what he does lines up with what he preaches.

And verify means what? You look at their record, the fruit of their life?
Absolutely. All of the above.

I've had my issues with Rick Perry over the years. There have been three or four major missteps during his career.

 But when you look at the overall fruit of his tenure, it's primarily positive.

You can make that work for anything. I pastored for several years, and you could make the case that I was a bad pastor or a good pastor, depending on isolated incidents.

But you've gotta look at the overall picture.

Should we be skeptical about religion in politics?
The real key here is that all of us are subject to the fleshly response to power. Whether it be the President, Governor, or the Mayor of a small city.

If it has any elements of the power of this world, we're attracted to it.

What we need is a spiritually minded person who isn't focused on this world.

If we become focused on the physical, we're no longer the salt and light of this world.

Is it fair to say that even the most "spiritual" people may not be genuine?
No, you're being very fair. It's in the unscripted areas of life that you can tell who a man is.

We're going to learn a lot about Rick Perry under the spotlight, because that is a pressure cooker that brings out the real man.

Watch for the unscripted moments.

What are some biblical examples of people who resisted the temptation of political power?
The person who always comes to my mind, who was courageous and spoke with power, is John the Baptist.

Jesus said he was the greatest man ever born of woman.

He had power but he said of Jesus, "He must increase, and I must decrease."

There's gotta be the kind of commitment to Christ that encourages you to lay down yourself to glorify Him.

How can you avoid being fooled by power?
I think it's all wrapped up in Galatians 2:20. "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."

I think you have to constantly pray, "Father, give me the strength."

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