Be saved by Christ dying for you and for your justification.
Notice who has to do something - Christ has to do something.
That's precisely what it means to be saved by Christ and not by works.
Good works?
You don't have to do good works to be saved.
Once you are saved in Christ you of course will do good works. You have nothing else to do.
What if a Christian isn't doing good works?
It leads us to believe that judgment lies in the hands of God.
If you think you want to judge someone being a Christians, look at the log in your own eye.
Why you don't have to hear God's voice
The way I parse this out is God's word can be in our heart when we learn God's word by heart.
You don't have to find God in the thoughts and feelings in your heart, you can find him in Holy Scripture.
Holy Spirit
Everyone has thoughts popping into their head and they don't where they're coming from.
So what happens is the thoughts that pop into our heads and we don't know where they come from, come from the habits of our hearts.
So those intuitions that pop into our hearts do so because of our hearts are shaped through virtues, vices, cruelty.
You don't have to let God take control.
You're never going to hear (in a good translation of theBible) about God taking control. What you'll hear about is obedience.
So the Lord gives us control of all talents in our lives, which means we must take control of what God has given us.
Why you don't have to keep getting transformed all the time
We know people who have life-changing experiences every month.
The more life-changing experiences you have the less each one means and the less it changes your life.
Falling in love really isn't something that changes your life unless it really leads to something that change syour life like marriage.
It's that long-term change that changes everything.
Why you don't always have to experience joy
Job just felt awful. His friends said either you feel awful because you're a bad person or you should feel joyful because you're good and God's on your side.
This notion that you're always supposed to feel joy makes Christians feel guilty for carrying a cross, which gets it all backwards.
Application is boring
What I want to hear when I come to church is not about me...I want to hear about Jesus Christ.
Preachers have the responsibility to preach about Jesus Christ.
I think most preachers would like to preach about Jesus Christ, but they feel like they have to preach about people.
So what makes Christian faith personal is that it's about a person and thankfully that person is not me.
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