Friday, July 29, 2011

The effect of homosexual marriage: "Adoption agencies with religious beliefs basically driven out of business."

Chuck Donovan, senior fellow with the Heritage Foundation, talks about how homosexual marriage is affecting religious liberties.

We've come to find out that there are religious liberty implications of legalizing homosexual marriage.
Here in the United States we've had adoption agencies with religious beliefs basically driven out of business.
You've got folks like Catholic Nancy Pelosi who are standing by the faith, right?
Nancy Pelosi has introduced a bill...that basically says if you receive federal funds for adoption as a state you have to mandate that you cannot have religious preferences for a mother-father family.
Is this just to them religious bigotry that has to be batted down?
I think it is.

It basically replaces the public definition of family as a mother father grouping with a definition that the mother and father, both, are irrelevant to the upbringing of a child.

It may not be the debate of the moment, but in several years as gay marriage continues to spread across the country, it will.
The way legislation goes, it's not a bad idea to get it in people's minds right now.
If you disagree with this. If you believe a mother-father family is best, they view it like racial bigotry.
Why would 56 Democrats in the House feel so good about the move towards homosexual marriage?
It's not just a Democratic issue.
What's the long-term haul? What do we have to start doing now and keep on doing?
Probably the principal thing that I see is we have to talk to young people.

They have increasing doubts about the institution.

We need to exemplify these things to young people.

And hope that we get a marriage revolution among the young.
1-3% of the American populace is homosexual. How can they be so successful?
They have a lot of money behind them.

And I think Americans sympathize with minorities.

I think Americans want to demonstrate time and again that they're tolerant.

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