Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Brain Trust - Jeanne Monahan

Jeanne Monahan is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. She joined The Matt Friedeman Show to discuss the upcoming March For Life. Below are the "CliffsNotes" of her interview.

Tell us about the March For Life. What is it?
On January 23, we've got the March For Life in Washington, D.C. It commemorates the sad decision made in Roe v. Wade.
There are events leading up to the actual march as well. And you can also get involved remotely.
How important are these kinds of events?
Quite important. I'm thinking back right now to Poland during the Communist years.
Millions of people came out to praise God together, and that was the beginning of the end of communism.

We aren't protesting communism here today; we're protesting the devaluation of human life.
How healthy is the pro-life movement?
We're seeing that more and more people in the U.S. are becoming pro-life.

We've also got technology on our side. We don't have to do manipulation of the truth; we just have to present the information and any sane person will agree that pro-life is a good position.

It's hard to ever say we're doing great when abortion is legal, but I'm excited.
What are your predictions for 2012 in regards to the pro-life movement?
You said earlier that we want to protect women and protect their babies. I think the truth that abortion is bad for women as well as their babies will become more prevalent.

I suspect that bills dealing with informed consent will be a major driver in the legislature. My general sense is that these issues and laws will really continue to pervade. I certainly hope so.

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